I have so much to talk about that I can't organize it all.
I'm going to start with my post-80 experiences.
After I finish writing this post, I'm going to update the Armory link to that of Xaith, so ya'll can look at that.
The other day (don't ask me which) is when it all started. I hit 80 the Sunday before Christmas, and I was slowly but surely getting a little bit of gear here and there. The next day (after I dinged) I wanted to do a Heroic really badly, but couldn't muster up a tank. After looking in Dalaran for a while, a Pally Tank messaged me (who is now my current Guild Leader, (more on that later) (was that a parenthetical epxression inside a parenthetical expression? why, yes, it was)). I wanted to run Culling of Stratholme because I had learned a couple of days before that there was a mount you could grab if you did some sort of timed event. I got in there, mind you, this is my first instance besides Utgarde in ALL of Wrath of the Lich King. My gear sucks at this point, but we continue in. Long story short, the pally tank is uber, we clear the thing faster than he'd ever done it, (9 minutes left on the timer) and I won every drop, including the Bronze Drake. I had gotten 3 or 4 upgrades from the instance, and I was bolstering with confidence, I ran a couple more the same day.
I kept that Pally Tank on my Friends List, and hit him up every day for the next 4 or so days to do the Daily Heroic and a couple more. He brought his guildies for most of these runs. I'm starting to realize that I'm starting to get some upgrades, and that I should actually start getting in to the mindset of getting back in to the raiding scene. I check out my Hit, too low, and work on that first. Anywho, skipping all the boring details, I decide to join the guild of my new Pally Tank friend, because I felt like I was stealing loot from them (with all the Heroics I was bumming off of them.) That night, I realized that I need to show these guys something, and I dropped about 1800g on the mats for a Titansteel Destroyer.
The next day was a 10 Man Naxx day for my new guild, and I was invited briefly, but removed when someone better came online. I went to Storm Peaks and did the 100 quests for the Achievement in 1 day, recieving several upgrades, and about 1000g of the 1700g I had just spent. (I did all this because someone told me Sons of Hodir rep was important).
So, I got myself hit capped, and I had my spiffy epic weapon, and I was all proud of myself, and our guild decided to do 25 Man Naxx, of which 7 or so were pugged. I was all excited to test out my skills and abilities and to really show them that I had something to bring to the table. We start out that night and a Death Knight mentions right before we get to the First Boss of the Arachnid quarter how great he was doing on DPS, that he was 2nd. I thought to myself that if a Death Knight this well geared is 2nd on Damage Meters, I'm toast. I pop open Recount and lo and behold, guess who was #1? Xaith. I was so proud of myself, mainly because I have never raided as a Ret Pally before, and I had only done 3 or 4 Heroics, and was just going on what I knew, and it worked.
We cleared 2 quarters, and I got my Tier 7.5 Shoulders off of Loatheb. I prayed to the WoW God for these bad boys.
So anyway, all that's well and good, and I'm about to go to lunch today, and I realize that my helm blows, so I drop about 1000g on mats for a Spiked Titansteel Helm. I then went and did from 100-137 quests in Icecrown and almost made back that entire 1000g.
Anywho, this week has been a blast, my Christmas was great, I've got 10 Man Naxx clear that I'm guaranteed to be in for on Thurs/Fri, and I want to thank The Forgotten Few for being so open and loving to me, and counting me in on everything that's going on.
I've got a great story to tell you guys about how I killed The Lich King.
You've been Hathorned.
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
3 months ago
1 comment:
Welcome to the Ret-Goodness!!
Grats on all the luck!
added to my blogroll! :)
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