So, as the 8 people who read my blog know, I'm leveling my Warlolok to 70. (Yes, I have an obsession with "lol" in names, Ferlol, Warlolok, Ferlol, Lolcoil, Cyclol, Kittylol, and so on...) During this time (58 now) I have observed a couple of faults with the Warlock as a class and some things that need to be done to make them less underpowered (as they are right now and I will debate this) and more balanced.
To start:
Improved Health Funnel - Health Funnel is already good as it is, Imp. Health Funnel is in my book, a waste of talent points for any spec, even Demonology. I would like to see a change similar to Improved Mend Pet where over the 10 second duration of the spell 2 Magic, Disease, or Poison debuffs are dispelled. At 3 seconds in, and 6 seconds in.
Fear - Fear is currently nerfed into oblivion, in fact, I think they nerfed it too hard. It needs to be changed to be more counteractive against melee, even if this requires a cooldown. First, I think it needs to become a Horror effect, implying that trinkets could get rid of it, but Warriors wouldn't have 50 ways of being immune to it. Secondly, (idea from a friend), it needs to have a debuff on the end similar to "Shaken" that reduces movement speed by 30% and AP by 15% for 5 seconds in order to give the Warlock some time to prepare for the next onslaught. Fear is the Warlock's only real defense against Melee and right now, it can be kicked, pummeled, and counterspelled which completely locks down their defenses.
Now that I've gotten a couple of those gripes out of the way, I want to advocate my personal position on the amazingness that Demonology is in respects to leveling. I was a HARD set Affliction Warlock. I would roll with my Imp out, dot up the mob, and either Fear or Drain Tank and Dark Pact to get all my mana back. Until a friend (same friend as above) told me that he tried Demonology in a couple of raids recently, and was stunned at the performance. This triggered me to attempt to respec to Demonology at level 54. The improvement in leveling speed was simply remarkable going 1.5 hours or so between each level. I have one Macro that I use that gets everything done:
/petattack [pet:voidwalker/felguard/Wild Fel Stalker]
/castsequence reset=combat/target/10 Immolate, Corruption, Curse of Agony, Life Tap, Drain Life, Shoot
So, what this does is sends your pet into attack so long as the pet is a Voidwalker, Felguard, or a Wild Fel Stalker from the HKM fight. The next line makes the macro reset when you leave combat, change targets, or after 10 seconds. Then it casts those spells. It is really a dream macro and makes leveling so easy.
Anywho, I've ranted for long enough about warlocks, and someone told me this was a Druid blog, amirite?
Well, I guess,
You've been Hathorned
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
3 months ago
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