Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Most Epic (WoW) Movie Ever Made

In left corner, 1.5 years in the making, 2.4 GB with no streaming option, is Tales of the Past III!!!

In the right corner is... well... there are no corners in a circle.

Here it is ladies and gentlemen,

Tales of the Past III

Please, don't be daunted by the download size, or speed at which you do download it. Yes, it will take some time, but if you are a WarcraftMovies Premium Member like me, I downloaded it at an average of 1027 KB/s from the Premium Server on a Cable Modem connection.

It is well worth the wait and size.

You've Been Hathorned.


Anonymous said...

"It's well worth the wait and size."

Yes, it is!!! I'm watching it right now - woot! Very cool!

Xaith said...

Glad to see you liked it. Was expecting a "your mom" joke.

For example,

"Your mom was well worth the wait and size!"

Anonymous said...

lol - well I'm awful at those jokes...ironically when I was maybe 12 or so - the idea was to sit on the grass (summertime) about 50 feet from your "enemey" and spout off yo'mamma jokes...each one considered a win brought you closer to that person. When you got into their "side" won I guess. We really didnt have much to do growing up lol

but i loved that video, best machinima ive seen yet, aside from the stuff Baron Soodson does...he's just amazing. I've got his blog linked on my own blog.

Xaith said...

Cool, good to hear.