Jesus Christ it's been a long time. However, I don't think anyone is saying that except me.
Anywho, to today's poast. Err.. post.
I preempted the Great Hunter Nerfs '08 (GHN08). I foresaw them, I predicted that they would be coming. After I saw the glee that Bigredkitty was enjoying I knew the devs wouldn't let him have his cake and eat it too. I got to 73, realized that Hunters were going to get Nerf Tanked soon, and dropped my Hunter.
I started leveling my Paladin from 65-70, and that took my about 2 days RL time because of the leveling speed nerf. Got to 70, and I'm now 76. I started out with about 1400g to my name (from leveling 70-73 on my hunter, I had just bought epic flyer for him before LK came out) and I started saving.
*quick tip* If you are saving for your epic mount... do whatever you do to get money, play the AH, dance naked on Mailboxes, I don't care. In order to keep your money, though, make a level 1, or use another alt, and send every bit of gold over about 50g (or 25g, set the limit for yourself) to that character. You don't even realize how fast it will accumulate. I sent 1350 of the 1400 I had to Hathorn (who is sitting in Dalaran enjoying the sights) and 50 to my Paladin. Every time I finished 5 or 6 quests, I'd have 125-200g, and I'd send all of it, except for 50, to Hathorn. Low and behold, in 6 levels, I had 5000g to buy my epic flying skill.
Okay, back to the real stuff.
I hit 76, had 5200g, sold some stuff at auction I'd been accumulating, went to SMV, got my skill, whatever, now I have about 200g to my name. I need to make 750 in the 78% of a level I have left, else, I might cry if I can't fly immediately. So, that's fun.
Grizzly Hills is a very, VERY, fun zone. It is visually stunning, everything is spread out nicely. Venture dailies make me happy, and Venture Coins are good for stuff too. I really liked the Fjord, and I really liked Dragonblight (Wrathgate eat my heart out.) However, Grizzly was the first zone where I got a sense of the massiveness of the world, huge trees, strong questlines (especially Ursoc), and I'm really enjoying it there. I've got about 12 quests left, so I'm happy.
On to Paladins. Retribution is $&#*ing fun. %&$*ing fun. My Paladin was my first 60, I cleared MC more times than I want to remember, did BWL at least 15 times, AQ20 down, ZG down, AQ40 to the Twin Emps. I experienced everything except Naxx on this character. Now I'm back at it, and back then, I was Holy (because Ret blew, so did Prot (kinda')). I feel like a Warrior-Priest, I'm dealing damage, getting instant heals, contributing to groups with Replenishment, and all the Imp Ret. Aura talents. I'm just having a blast.
Even though we were shot by the Nerf Tank, I think we're perfect now, and just need a little fine tuning. Like the recent change to Divine Shield/Forbearance/Avenging Wrath. Shared 30s cooldown is reasonable, and Divine Shield hacking 50% of our damage is fine too, because ususally, I'm either healing in Divine Shield, or Hearthing. I mean, let's face it, sure it's 12 seconds of immunity, that's definately abusable, but it's always just a panic button for me. Doing less damage while in it isn't as big a priority for me as is staying alive.
Anyway, I know this is supposed to be Druids Do It Animal Style, but for a while, it might turn into "The Light and How to Swing It."
You've been Hathorned.
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
2 months ago
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